Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
generateDirectory | File | - | Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added
to compile classpath). Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/gwt. |
runTarget | String | - | URL that should be automatically opened in the GWT shell. For
example com.myapp.gwt.Module/Module.html.
When the host page is outside the module "public" folder (for example, at webapp root), the module MUST be specified (using a single <module> in configuration or by setting -Dgwt.module=..) and the runTarget parameter can only contain the host page URI. When the GWT module host page is part of the module "public" folder, the runTarget MAY define the full GWT module path (com.myapp.gwt.Module/Module.html) that will be automatically converted according to the rename-to directive into renamed/Module.html. User property is: runTarget. |
webXml | File | - | Source web.xml deployment descriptor that is used for GWT shell and
for deployment WAR to "merge" servlet entries. Default value is: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml. |
Name | Type | Since | Description |
appEngineArtifactId | String | 2.1.0-1 | groupId to download appengine sdk from maven repo Default value is: appengine-java-sdk. User property is: gwt.appEngineArtifactId. |
appEngineGroupId | String | 2.1.0-1 | groupId to download appengine sdk from maven repo Default value is: com.google.appengine. User property is: gwt.appEngineGroupId. |
appEngineHome | File | 2.1.0-1 |
Location to find appengine sdk or to unzip downloaded one see appEngineVersion Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/appengine-sdk/. User property is: gwt.appEngineHome. |
appEngineVersion | String | 2.1.0-1 | set the appengine sdk to use
Artifact will be downloaded with groupId : appEngineGroupId and artifactId appEngineArtifactId Default value is: 1.3.8. User property is: gwt.appEngineVersion. |
attachDebugger | boolean | - | Attach to the debugger application at the specified debugPort. Default value is: false. User property is: attachDebugger. |
bindAddress | String | 2.1.0-1 | Set GWT shell bindAddress.
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.bindAddress=...' User property is: gwt.bindAddress. |
cacheGeneratorResults | boolean | 2.6.0-rc1 | EXPERIMENTAL: Cache results of generators with stable output. Default value is: true. User property is: gwt.cacheGeneratorResults. |
codeServerPort | int | - | Runs the code server on the specified port. Default value is: 9997. User property is: gwt.codeServerPort. |
compileSourcesArtifacts | String[] | - | Deprecated. add a <classifier>sources</classifier>
dependency instead |
copyWebapp | boolean | 2.1.0-1 | Copies the contents of warSourceDirectory to hostedWebapp.
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.copyWebapp=...' Default value is: false. User property is: gwt.copyWebapp. |
debugPort | int | - | Port to listen for debugger connection on. Default value is: 8000. User property is: gwt.debugPort. |
debugSuspend | boolean | - | Whether or not to suspend execution until a debugger connects. Default value is: true. User property is: gwt.debugSuspend. |
deploy | File | 2.3.0-1 | The directory into which deployable but not servable output files
will be written (defaults to 'WEB-INF/deploy' under the
webappDirectory directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra
directory/jar) |
executedProject | MavenProject | - | The MavenProject executed by the "compile" phase Default value is: ${executedProject}. |
extraJvmArgs | String | - | Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated
scripts (for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=...', defaults to setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases. Default value is: -Xmx512m. User property is: gwt.extraJvmArgs. |
gen | File | - | Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for
review (-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.gen=...' Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/.generated. User property is: gwt.gen. |
genParam | boolean | 2.5.0-rc1 | Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.genParam=false'. Defaults to 'true' for backwards compatibility. Default value is: true. User property is: gwt.genParam. |
generateJsInteropExports | boolean | 2.8.0-rc1 | Generate exports for JsInterop purposes. Default value is: false. User property is: gwt.compiler.generateJsInteropExports. |
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath | boolean | 2.1.0-1 | Deprecated. tweak your dependencies and/or split your project with a
client-only module Default value is: false. User property is: gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath. |
hostedWebapp | File | - | Location of the hosted-mode web application structure. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}. |
incremental | boolean | 2.7.0-rc1 | Compiles faster by reusing data from the previous compile. Default value is: true. User property is: gwt.compiler.incremental. |
inplace | boolean | - | Select the place where GWT application is built. In
inplace mode, the warSourceDirectory is used to match
the same use case of the war:inplace
goal. Default value is: false. User property is: gwt.inplace. |
jvm | String | 1.1 | Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use
with the forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same
as the one used to run Maven. User property is: gwt.jvm. |
logDir | File | 2.6.0-rc1 | Logs to a file in the given directory, as well as graphically |
logLevel | String | - | GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM,
or ALL).
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.logLevel=...' Default value is: INFO. User property is: gwt.logLevel. |
methodNameDisplayMode | String | 2.7.0-rc1 | EXPERIMENTAL: Emit extra information allow chrome dev tools to
display Java identifiers in many places instead of JavaScript
Value can be one of NONE, ONLY_METHOD_NAME, ABBREVIATED or FULL. Default value is: NONE. User property is: gwt.compiler.methodNameDisplayMode. |
module | String | - | A single GWT module. Shortcut for <modules> or option to
specify a single module from command line User property is: gwt.module. |
modulePathPrefix | String | - | Prefix to prepend to module names inside
webappDirectory or in URLs in DevMode.
Could also be seen as a suffix to webappDirectory. User property is: gwt.modulePathPrefix. |
modules | String[] | - | The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the
project for .gwt.xml files. |
noServer | boolean | - | Prevents the embedded GWT Tomcat server from running (even if a
port is specified).
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.noserver=...' Default value is: false. User property is: gwt.noserver. |
persistentunitcache | Boolean | 2.5.0-rc1 | Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...' User property is: gwt.persistentunitcache. |
persistentunitcachedir | File | 2.5.0-rc1 | The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...' User property is: gwt.persistentunitcachedir. |
port | int | - | Runs the embedded GWT server on the specified port. Default value is: 8888. User property is: gwt.port. |
runClasspathExcludes | List | 2.1.0-1 |
List of Pattern jars to exclude from the classPath when running dev mode |
runTimeOut | int | - | Forked process execution timeOut (in seconds). Primary used for
integration-testing. |
server | String | - | Specifies a different embedded web server to run (must implement
ServletContainerLauncher) User property is: gwt.server. |
sourceLevel | String | 2.6.0-rc1 | Specifies Java source level.
The default value depends on the JVM used to launch Maven. Default value is: auto. User property is: maven.compiler.source. |
style | String | - | GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY,
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.style=...' User property is: gwt.style. |
superDevMode | boolean | 2.7.0-rc1 | Runs Super Dev Mode instead of classic Development Mode. Default value is: true. User property is: gwt.superDevMode. |
systemProperties | Map | 1.2 | List of System properties to pass when running the hosted mode. |
timeOut | int | - | Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server. |
warSourceDirectory | File | - | Location of the web application static resources (same as
maven-war-plugin parameter) Default value is: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp. |
webXmlServletPathAsIs | boolean | - | Specifies whether or not to add the module name as a prefix to the
servlet path when merging web.xml. If you set this to false the
exact path from the GWT module will be used, nothing else will be
prepended. Default value is: false. |
webappDirectory | File | - | Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out
option to GWTCompiler). Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}. User property is: gwt.war. |
workDir | File | 2.6.0-rc1 | The compiler's working directory for internal use (must be
writeable; defaults to a system temp dir) |
Location to find appengine sdk or to unzip downloaded one see appEngineVersion
Artifact will be downloaded with groupId : appEngineGroupId and artifactId appEngineArtifactId
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.bindAddress=...'
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.copyWebapp=...'
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=...', defaults to setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.gen=...'
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.genParam=false'. Defaults to 'true' for backwards compatibility.
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.logLevel=...'
Could also be seen as a suffix to webappDirectory.
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.noserver=...'
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...'
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...'
List of Pattern jars to exclude from the classPath when running dev mode
When the host page is outside the module "public" folder (for example, at webapp root), the module MUST be specified (using a single <module> in configuration or by setting -Dgwt.module=..) and the runTarget parameter can only contain the host page URI.
When the GWT module host page is part of the module "public" folder, the runTarget MAY define the full GWT module path (com.myapp.gwt.Module/Module.html) that will be automatically converted according to the rename-to directive into renamed/Module.html.
The default value depends on the JVM used to launch Maven.
Can be set from command line using '-Dgwt.style=...'