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NOTICE There is a new plugin (archetypes and eclipse integration), a fresh start that correctly support multi-module projects, it is not version-bounded with GWT, support multiples GWT versions and other fixes, improvements and best practices. This plugin is now considered the legacy GWT maven plugin (aka mojo GWT maven plugin) and the new one is considered the new generation GWT maven plugin (aka tbroyer GWT maven plugin). The legacy maven plugin is still supported but it is strongly encouraged to use the new one for new projects.

Using a different GWT SDK version

Currently the plugin uses and has been tested with GWT 2.8.1. This version is defined in the plugin dependencies, so if you want another (newer) version you must change your pom as follows:

    <gwt.version>your preferred GWT SDK version here</gwt.version>

Note that starting with 2.5.0-rc1, the plugin depends on gwt-user, gwt-dev and gwt-codeserver. Previous versions depended on gwt-user, gwt-dev and gwt-servlet. All dependencies should be overridden.