NOTICE There is a
new plugin
archetypes and
eclipse integration),
a fresh start that correctly support multi-module projects, it is not version-bounded with GWT, support multiples
GWT versions and other fixes, improvements and best practices. This plugin is now considered the
legacy GWT
maven plugin (aka
mojo GWT maven plugin) and the new one is considered the
new generation GWT maven
plugin (aka
tbroyer GWT maven plugin). The legacy maven plugin is still supported but it is strongly
encouraged to use the new one for new projects.
Mojo's Maven Plugin for GWT
Welcome to Mojo's Maven Plugin for GWT User Guide. This documentation will drive you to setup you GWT web application development using Maven as build tool. This guide covers project organisation and setup, integration with development environment, and running GWT SDK tools from maven command line.
If you're new to GWT or Maven, you might want to first read the GWT documentation and get more familiar with Maven by reading at least its getting started guide or by reading the online reference book.
This mojo has been developped and tested with the gwt version 2.8.1
Mojo's Maven Plugin for GWT supports:
- GWT compiler execution for packaging your application into a WAR Compile and Debug
- generate GWT internationalization ("i18n") interfaces from bundles Internationalization
- running tests (or test suites) based on GWTTestCase framework as part of Maven build, Testing Support
- run (or debug) in DevMode from Maven DevMode
- generate boiler code for GWT-RPC Async interface from synchronous server-side interfaces Generate Async interfaces for GWT-RPC
- integrate nicelly into Eclipse, thanks to M2Eclipse and the Google Plugin for Eclipse.
We are big fans of the Jenkins community model, and want to apply it to lower the contribution barrier. Code is hosted on GitHub: fork it, improve it, and send pull requests. Just please log what you're working for in JIRA and use the JIRA ID as a prefix for your commits. If you feel comfortable with the code, just ask for commit permission to apply changes by yourself.
Development builds are tested on next GWT SDK milestones on Travis CI